Okay, outdoors in, but bugs out

Last week we wrote all about the Entertainment wall, the bifold window wall combination. .A question we often get is what about the bugs. It opens up the whole side of the home, brings the fresh air in, but also the little flying critters. Especially in the evening when it gets dark and the lights are on inside.
Honestly, this was a bit of our concern as well and we knew we had to solve it in some way.

As always when faced with a challenge, we looked at a variety of options and knew it had to be a way. Enter PlisséScreen, a company that custom makes door screens. Of course, we presented them with a new challenge as well, but after a few phone calls and exchanges of photographs, we had a plan. A 6.5' wide door screen opening left to right, and a 6.5' window screen laying on its side. We don't have a center post, so that required a perfect fit and placing a furry seal where the parts met each other.
After receiving them, it was not 100% obvious how it all went together, so we had to have another call. With an expert on the line It actually went together on the first attempt and we are both so impressed in how it it turned out.

When opened, it literally disappear as they are retracted from 6.5' down to just 4", and when pulled out offer a near see-through honeycomb like screen. We got them installed earlier this summer and they have been fantastic. They easily slide out in place and as easily go back when we are done and ready to close up. We are now able to enjoy the entertainment wall even more.