Water - healthy, clean, and tasty
Whether in a park or boon docking, access to good, (no great), water is key.

If you are as keen to ensure you have great clean water wherever you go as we are, we have some great news. After trying various options, we are excited to now be able to include the Blu Technology family of products in the Barclay RV Travel Home.
So what makes Blue Technology the right choice?
It clearly starts with the filters
Yes, the most import component is the filter. Blu Technology offers the industry's only NSF Certified 0.2 micron high flow rate filters (minimum 3 gpm) combined with coconut charcoal filters for taste and a sediment pre filter to ensure a longer filter life. Either built in, or in a portable configuration, these filters come in stainless steel containers mounted in a ultra lightweight polycarbonate carbon fiber frame. Also soon available is their countertop dispenser with integrated LED UV filter for the ultimate protection against contaminants.
As we have many high end appliances that are particular about the softness of the water, we also added, and would recommend, the high performance Blu Technology Water Softener

These filter systems are so capable, you could pump water from any pond or stream and feel confident you have good drinking water.
But let us not forget the hoses and connections
Most people will look for a good rubber hose rated for drinking water. Hopefully with brass connections, good rubber washers, and in the right length. Unfortunately, the longer the hose, the more it gets twisted and tangled and the more room it takes. Lastly, get pliers to ensure you can get it good and tight so it does not leak. Does that sound familiar? But if you think about it, are those components really the best? Where is the benchmark? If you go in the back room of a restaurant or hospital where clean water is such an important necessity, what do you see? Rubber hoses and brass components? No. Stainless Steel hoses and fittings.
Rather than use hose fittings and rubber washers, precision made stainless quick connect fittings makes the set-up a breeze and leak proof. And stainless hoses, high flow rated, but small in diameter, comes is various lengths and roll up very compact.

Out with the old, in with the new
Many of you who have followed us and seen the videos, know that we proudly talk about how we have our Berkey filter on the counter and it stays there when we drive. Well, when getting the new Blu Technology system, the Berkey did stay there for about a week while we did taste tests and comparisons. However, there was no real comparison and the Berkey had to find another home. We have been super happy with the system. Clearly, we will build these system into the travel home, making the outside connection even more effortless, but even with the portable configuration, the setup and take down is a supper simple. The components are lightweight, yet industrial strength.